Business ACCESS-Ability Grant Program

Deadline: 14 February 2024
Under the Accessibility Act, Nova Scotia is committed to an accessible Nova Scotia by 2030. Meeting this goal means preventing and removing barriers to accessibility, for persons with disabilities.

Businesses can apply for a cost-shared grant to make accessibility-related improvements. Improvements can be for clients and customers, for employees, or both.

Five categories of funding

Built Environment:

Removing physical barriers for persons to access business services, by installing ramps, accessible washrooms, door openers, and other projects.

Accessible Communications Services:

Ensuring that all customers, clients, and employees can access information related to a business.

Assistive Devices:

Ensuring that employees and consumers who are person with disabilities have the devices they need to effectively do their jobs and access places of business.

Universal Design Capacity Building:

Training in the field of Universal Design, both for technical services professionals and for persons with disabilities wishing to better understand its value.

Accessible Transportation:

Providing support for businesses to improve access to transportation services. 

When applying, keep in mind:

  • maximum grant amounts available per year is $100,000 over multiple categories, per applicant

  • features and improvements required by law, legislation or the Nova Scotia Building code are not eligible (except restaurants opening in a space that previously operated as a restaurant within the past 2 years)

  • only recognized educational institutions or organizations that deliver training and educational services targeted at the business community are eligible for the Universal Design Capacity funding category

  • funding available for Accessible Transportation projects are limited to up to 2/3 of eligible expenses, to a maximum of $20,000

  • please ensure requested documentation is included in your application to prevent delays in processing.

Business ACCESS-Ability Grant Program | Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage (

Business ACCESS Ability Funding

Business ACCESS Ability Funding Application - Deadline February 14, 2024

The Village of St. Peter’s and the Municipality of the County of Richmond have formed a joint accessibility advisory committee to ensure that we are in compliance with the Access by Design 2030 plan put forth by the Nova Scotia provincial government. We are working together towards an accessible municipality and village. We are currently working very diligently to identify our accessibility priorities.